Author: IM_Alena

Carolin Vonbank and Markus Schennach about FREIRAD

"Since all broadcasters are producing their shows on a voluntary basis, FREIRAD sees itself as a best practice example of how volunteering can be used as an instrument for integration. Let us introduce to you one of our Austrian partner organizations: FREIRAD 105.9 Freies Radio Innsbruck.

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A visit to FREIRAD

Last Week FREIRAD had a visit from Verein Multikulturell and 4 participants of the Verein Multikulturells Basic Education got an impression on how to become a volunteer for community radio.

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Klaudia Binner about Verein Multikulturell

"Verein Multikulturell‘s main objectives are to promote professional, social and cultural inclusion of migrants and to enhance intercultural dialogue and education." Let us introduce to you one of our Austrian partner organizations: Verein Multikulturell.

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Pilot Action Cidis Onlus

Cidis is implementing two training courses, one in Perugia and one in Terni, organised in weekly meetings/get together, opportunities to learn more about voluntary work done at a local level.

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About 40 representatives and members of the civil society in Thessaloniki participated in the networking workshop «Refugees, Migrants and Volunteering: on the road to inclusion», which took place on Wednesday 10 July at LAB29A of SolidarityNow, in the context of the AMIF project Volunteering Among Immigrants – VAI coordinated by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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Meet Hameed in our Guide for Migrant Volunteers

“I received help from people in the Centre after I arrived in Athens”, Hameed is saying. “right now, they are helping me to sort out my asylum papers. So, I would also like to help other people. Because I am a refugee myself, I understand how difficult it can be, for an elderly person especially, to find their way around Athens or take the bus to a place they have never been before."

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