National reports on volunteering

The national papers present the first results of the research on social, political and historical frameworks concerning migration and voluntary work as well as on volunteerism/ volunteer management of each participant country. They also examine the motives and contexts in which volunteering takes place and how it helps refugees or migrants with arrival, integration and engagement with the receiving society.

The first parts of the reports present overviews of the different historical migration movements in the participating countries and analyze the impacts of these migration flows on social and political regulations, such as governmental policies and their impact on the civic participation of migrants. Furthermore the national situations of volunteering and volunteer management are evaluated.

The second parts are dedicated to the analysis of the research about volunteering among immigrants carried out by our project partnes on local and national level, that include the analysis of the online questionnaire as well as focus group meetings and interviews.

National Report Germany
National Report Austria
National Report Italy
National Report Greece